# Basic Principles of Spring Transaction Implementation

# Usage


# Principle

1.Parsing Aspect ->The post processor of the first bean before bean creation parses the advisor (pointcut (pointcut parsed through @ Transactional), advisor) (This advisor registers a configuration class through @ enableTransactionManagement, which configures the advisor)

2.Create a dynamic proxy -->After the initialization of the bean, call the bean's post processor to create a dynamic proxy (jdk is used for interfaces, cglib is used for no interfaces). Before creating a dynamic proxy, match @ Transactional according to pointCut in the advisor (whether there are methods, whether there are classes, and whether there are interfaces or parent classes), and create a dynamic proxy when matching.

3.Calling: dynamic proxies


4.Create a database connection and modify the autoCommit property of the database connection to false to prevent automatic commit of this connection. This is a very important step in implementing Spring transactions

5.Then execute the target method method, which will perform database operations SQL

} catch {

6.If an exception occurs and it needs to be rolled back, the transaction will be rolled back. Otherwise, the transaction will still be committed


7.After executing the current method, if there are no exceptions, directly commit the transaction

Last Updated: 5/16/2023, 9:25:25 PM